
Bringing back the village for Brisbane mama’s

Bringing back the village for Brisbane mama’s

So many mothers out there are feeling isolated and consumed by guilt. As modern women we’re never taught how to understand our own brains and moods, let alone those of our child. In times past, this sort of wisdom would be witnessed everyday as extended families lived and parented together, but without that sort of… Continue Reading

When you’re feeling big feelings …. what to do

When you’re feeling big feelings …. what to do

Are you feeling big feelings? I mean the big difficult ones like anger, sadness, jealousy, hopelessness. What do you do? What is your usual way of managing these? What if it makes things worse? What if there was a better way. A way that leaves you feeling so much better, lighter and more productive. Would… Continue Reading

voice of your baby *2

voice of your baby *2

Sometimes it’s through touch, hugging or wrapping Other times its through the way you hold me with your eyes or your ‘knowing’ voice Its when you confidently communicate to me “I’ve got you. Its safe. We’re ok” Babies are incredibly perceptive to what we say non-verbally. You know your baby better than anyone else. How… Continue Reading

voice of your baby *1

voice of your baby *1

    This is based on the latest neuroscience. There’s now proof that babies are so much more AWARE than we previously realised.   I’d love to get to know about YOU and YOUR BABY. In the comments tell me their name, ages and any questions you’d like answered in the comments below. I’m about… Continue Reading

How this book has helped me BE MORE and GIVE YOU MORE ♥

How this book has helped me BE MORE and GIVE YOU MORE ♥

Hey beautiful,  I’m back 🙂  It feels so good to be here again with you. This is where my heart lies. To be loving of service to you. Yes, YOU  … your sweet self and your kiddies.   Stay with me as I develop more and more helpful gifts to drop into your inbox. I have… Continue Reading

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