I believe that motherhood is a sacred act.

I believe that raising kids is the most potent form of personal development there is.

I believe that when it comes to parenting, there’s no one-size-fits-all.

I believe that none of us can do it on our own.

And most of all, I believe that integrating our wholeness (body, heart & thoughts) is the best way to open into powerful streams of intuition, connection and aliveness to really be the mother we want to be. 

Hey there. I’m Maria Golding – Intuitive Motherhood & Embodied Parenting Coach & Speaker, + mother of two gorgeous young men.

It’s my absolute honour to be caring for and serving those who do the most important job on the planet… Mothers. You.

In fact, this is my dream job, and this corner of the webosphere is where I share all the insights and expert advice that come from my 30+ years of professionally supporting mothers, babies, children and teens.

To me, this is pure Joywork, and I’m thrilled that you’ve found me.


Before we dive deeper, you’re probably wondering – how did I get here?

I’ve been working with mothers and children professionally for over three decades.

I was always drawn to this type of work, even if for a long time I couldn’t quite articulate why. As a young student, I was so intent on immersing myself in the world of maternal nursing that I ventured off to the regional jungles of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea to practice in a rural, open-air ‘hospital’ and in remote communities. I was honoured to participate in my first natural birth and was privileged to become a part of the Village of the new mothers’ lives. It was my first taste of really connecting with motherhood on a soul-deep level, and I knew I’d found my calling.

On returning to Australia, I continued to advance my career. In the three decades since then, I’ve worked as a midwife, paediatric and child mental health nurse, parenting program coordinator, health practitioner in secondary schools and infant-parent practitioner in private practice, and have been privileged to work at some of Australia’s finest hospitals and healthcare facilities.

All the while, I continued to study, gaining post-graduate certification at university and other training faculties, experience in many different areas of healthcare and therapy, and working with some truly inspirational health professionals.


But I began to realise that I was craving more….

As well as all the incredible parenting techniques and scientific processes that I had been practising and teaching, I also felt strongly called to dive deeper. Like, soul deep.

I began to devour spiritual texts, exploring an abundance of different healing modalities, and throwing myself heart-first into body-centred experiential learning.

I ventured to India three times to learn meditation and spiritual practices, and ditched finishing my Masters in Mental Health in favour of immersing myself in many hours of somatic science and embodiment training. I fell in love with the Nia Technique, Expressive Therapies, The Journey, Ayurveda, meditation…

And it was all confirming what I had long believed to be true…

You see, I believe that motherhood is a sacred act – that there is so much more to effective parenting than behavioural techniques, routines and a same-size-fits-all approach.

I believe… That intuition is one of the most important skills a mother has in her toolkit. That the ancient wisdom of those mothers and grandmothers that came before us is just as important as listening to the white-coated professionals. That tuning in to our body, heart and spirit can help strengthen the bond between mother and child. And that NO ONE knows a baby as well as its mama.

With a natural intuitive ‘knowing’ I had been mothering my own children in alignment with these sacred principles as much as I could, (still making a bunch of mistakes along the way, of course!) and I knew how effective and nurturing they could be. And not only that, how fulfilling & fun & creative & deeply-connecting they could be for both myself and my sons.

I wanted to start bringing this sacred, embodied side of my work TOGETHER with the science-based techniques I’d come to respect and love…


That’s why I started Intuitive Motherhood.

Now, I devote all my creative energies into bringing these worlds together – intuitive wisdom, embodiment and cutting-edge parenting science – to best serve the mamas of the world.

I work with heart-centred mothers from across Australia and the globe – women who are yearning for a deeper, embodied experience of motherhood and a more loving bond with their child. I help them through coaching, workshops, online programs and specially-designed resources.

My approach is to combine all the best skills and knowledge from Western science, with the most potent and powerful holistic tools and techniques. It’s all grounded in the belief that there is no one-size-fits-all, and it’s all steeped in so much love.

So how can I help YOU?

So many mamas are bombarded with motherhood advice that’s either unhelpful or actually makes things worse.

I want to make it easier for you.

My message is simple: there is no one right way to parent.

I just want to empower you to be the mother you really want to be.

I want to give you permission to follow your truth, and forget about everything else. I want to help you tune in to yourself & your child, so you can revel in their gorgeous uniqueness and understand your needs and their needs. I want to give you the skill sets so you know what to say & do in the everyday moments and the big events. I want to help you transform the guilt, to release the frustration and forgo the fear.

And most of all, I want to help you parent in a way that’s sustainable and meaningful, so you can nourish your own energy, spirit and relationships, while you’re loving and nurturing your child.

This is where parenting becomes so much more effective. There is more joy, way more fun with less resistance, and loads more love – truly a win-win for everyone.

That’s why I’ve created and gathered lots of juicy, soul-fuelled mama wisdom, to help you be the vibrantly embodied, powerfully expressed, deeply connected and gorgeously wise mother you want to be. And this is where I share it.

I’m so excited that mothers from all over the world are gathering to be part of a whole-brain integrated and intuitively embodied approach to motherhood and life.

To be looking within and empowering the next generation.

To be learning new skill sets that elevate their child’s spirit as well as promote positive behaviours.

To be creating circles of support with other like-minded mothers who desire to stand in their feminine power & for what their child really needs.

And I’m here to help bring that to you.


Ready to dive in?

If you want to dig deeper and connect further, you can…

  1. Check out my mentoring page. This is where you’ll find all the info and details on how to work with me.
  2. Sign up for my newsletter and get a FREE 3-part video training series called ‘The missing how-to motherhood’. (I’m so proud of this training, make sure you check it out!)
  3. Dive into the blog. You’ll find blog posts on connecting with your child, dealing with emotions, and conscious awareness.

I’m so glad you’re here.

Yours in sacred mama solidarity,

Maria Golding signature

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