
voice of your baby *2

voice of your baby *2

Sometimes it’s through touch, hugging or wrapping
Other times its through the way you hold me with your eyes or your ‘knowing’ voice
Its when you confidently communicate to me “I’ve got you. Its safe. We’re ok”
Babies are incredibly perceptive to what we say non-verbally. You know your baby better than anyone else. How can you trust your hormonal instincts more? How can you respond in a non-anxious way so your baby can rest into knowing ‘you’ve got this’?
I’d love to hear your your ideas or questions on how to help your baby feel secure. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
Often as mothers we need the support of others to feel secure ourselves. Please reach out to myself or others if you need a hand. You’re not meant to figure this out alone.
Stay tuned for our first ‘Intuitive Motherhood Q & A’ this week. Over the coming weeks I’m answering a series of questions coming in from mothers just like YOU. and I’d love to answer YOUR question. Shoot me an email at [email protected]
Thankyou to Renee Bell from NFE DESIGN for supplying this gorgeous image

Mama Maria xoxo

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