
The ONE thing your baby wants the most

Do you feel like there is so much to DO? Do you say to yourself “If only I HAD MORE TIME?” Did you know that the ONE thing your baby wants, needs and craves more than anything else is a healthy  connection with you? Yes its not what you DO its how you BE with your… Continue Reading

Yesterday you may have cried. Today you can dance

I love how every day we get to start again. We can choose to do the same things or do things differently. We have the power. Jenny (left image) chose to forget about schedules and worries about sleep. She didn’t let being a single mother stop her. She decided to make her day fun for… Continue Reading

How to tell if you’ve got PND and what to do about it

Last week we talked about what to do if you are feeling that scarey-out-of-control mother overwhelm. We touched on what we can do in-the-moment to feel more in control, calmer and supported. But what if the overwhelm keeps building and you feel like you just can’t cope? You might find yourself crying easily, worrying a… Continue Reading

How to deal with scary, out-of-control mama overwhelm

Do you feel like there are multiple stresses in your life …..pushing you further and further into psycho-land / panic/ I-want-to-hide-under-the-doona freak-out!/ I’m not coping………help meeeeee!!!!!??? I know this desperate place. It can be so freakin scarey and out-of-control! It can make you want to cry, sob, scream, run away, shut down, eat more or… Continue Reading

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