
is your heart yearning for sacred connection? +program news
Hi beautiful,
We all love new beginnings. A fresh start. Leave the old behind and start again.
It’s even better if you get to consciously do this. If you reflect back on what’s happening in your life, where you want to head towards, and what you need to change to get there. This usually involves some form of letting go…….. of what no longer serves you.
Over the weekend I went to the beach and ‘Soul Sister Circle’ event and did just that. I was part of a soul business women’s ceremony. It was simple and sacred. We reflected on and released what no longer serves us. Words of yesterday. Written on paper. Burnt in a fire.
With a medicine woman to guide us, we called in the greater energies of mother earth and father sky to ignite our own inner power and wisdom. With glowing candles and inner reflection, we called forth our intentions for the next 6 months. The questions, “How can I best be of service to myself, to others and to our world.” “What is MY soul speak? What products and services need to be expressed through me”?
The energy seemed to build as we stood in circle together. 60 women casting ahead for themselves individually and collectively. All wanting change. For the better.
Magical moments declared themselves as goosebumps all over my body. “The power of women together”, my body said. “Can move mountains. Can change the world.”
We’re not meant to do this alone. When we come together in groups with the same intention… everything becomes easier. Our energy is multiplied.
This is exactly what happened in the “Intuitive Motherhood Foundations Program”. Women came together, explored new paradigm skills and concepts, and left feeling empowered, stronger, energised and connected. “Literally LIFE-CHANGING STUFF”, said Nicole Matheson (conscious mother of two). “I know so many people who could benefit from this!” Another mama said, “hearing what others had to say in the group really helped me so much!”
No one wanted to leave last Friday nite as the first of this motherhood program ended. We all wanted to stay and ‘be with’ each other. To ‘soak’ in the energy, we had created. There were so much heart and connection and sistership right there. I felt so blest.
And so there it is…. a calling reflected in my soul to do more. YES doing another Intuitive Motherhood Foundations Program. To keeping going. To knowing that I’m delivering what I’m here to do. It’s a really good feeling, and I’m so honoured that you’re here reading my words. Maybe there’s a resonance for you to be part of this!?
I’ll be taking bookings soon, so hit ‘reply’ if you’re interested. Leave me your number and I’ll give you a quick call. I’ll be doing an earlybird rate this time.
I’m in deep gratitude to all the gorgeous mama’s who have had the courage and insight to go deeper and wider and more expansively into their motherhood journey. Its been such an honour and such a gift to support you.