
Child behaviour / anxiety- When nothing seems to work!

Child behaviour / anxiety- When nothing seems to work!

On our last coaching call, Laura excitedly reported that her 6-year-old daughter had ‘arrived’ at a whole new level of confidence and happiness.

It had surprised her.

From anxious and fidgety, and being “a worry” this high-spirited little girl hadn’t found her landing place only 8 months earlier.

Her Mum had begun doing her own ‘inner work’ to be calmer and less reactive. She was busy, she had 3 children including a baby. She did her best including soothing her child’s nighttime worries scaffolding her with whatever she could get her hands on – empowering books, calming essential oils, advocating for her at school. All of which made a difference.

And then there was the last piece … to wait, to believe, to trust in her development.

In this video, I hope to inspire you to do the same….

I love to hear about any ‘break though milestones’ you’ve had with your child and/or what was the best take-away you got from this video? Please share in the comments and even forward this email.  Together we can support each other so parenting is ‘less worry and more fun’.

Mama Maria xoxo

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