the voice of your baby series *7… with ADORABLE image to share

My friend Mandi who has a nine week old was sharing with me how she’s already noticing her baby boy’s unique personality.
She’s noticing how he loves to have a chat with lots of face to face and hates to miss out when the other members of the family are chatting without him.
He especially enjoys it when Mandi presses her cheek against the side of his head when she hums or sings. She thinks he really enjoys the soothing body vibration as well as the sound of her voice.
“He’s loves to have a chance to exert his strength. To push against me using his body. Because I know this about him I give him lots of opportunities to practice”
Tell me about YOUR baby. What do you know about his or her unique personality? I’d love for you to share in the comments below
With love
Maria xx
Thankyou to Renee Bell from NFE DESIGN for supplying these gorgeous images
I’m loving ‘meeting’ my little girl. Her unique, divine character is being unveiled to me in tiny small pieces every day and they are such a treasure to discover.
My baby girl is cheeky, funny and, I believe, an old soul. She loves to talk, and to squeal and hear herself, and she smiles easily and wide with those she trusts. She has a way of looking you right in the eye with a look of total love and it’s as though she knows we need it more than she does. I believe she knows fully how much we love her and she returns that gift freely. She hates to be still too long and, like her mother, wants to be learning, growing, and taking in as much of life as she can in one hit. I can’t wait to witness my little wonder reveal more of her character. It is the best show in town : )