
Have you seized the moment in your child’s life? Through my eyes as my youngest turns 21

Have you seized the moment in your child’s life? Through my eyes as my youngest turns 21

Last week I was reflecting on my son’s 21st (Saturday), when all these memories came flooding. When I first held him in my arms as joy tears tolled down my cheek “Hello little man, oh my gosh arent you sooooo beautiful!” There was something in that first meeting that made me realise he had a gorgeous uniqueness. That it would be a different journey with him. Which it has.

And so with fierce originality he’s carved out the years, and a deeper place in my mama heart.

The words from his favourite teenage music artist came pounding through my radio in true spirit-driven style,

” if you had one shot, or one opportunity.
To seize everything you ever wanted. one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?”

I realised how powerful this message is. It’s how he’s lived his life. In his own way. His own incredible presence. His own uniqueness.

And I realise as I let him go (he plans to adventure with his bro to live in Melbourne soon), that I had many of those ‘one moments’ as his Mum. Just a moment in time. To look deeply into his eyes. To show him that I truly ‘see’ him. To stay that little bit longer when he needed to be heard. To stand up for him when he couldn’t do it himself. To whisper a heartfelt ‘something’ in his ear as he went off the play and then to parties. To say sorry when I went ‘too far’.

And did I seize them? DID I? DID I? DID I?

These words come pounding in my ear. DID I SEIZE THE MOMENT!?

It was so clear to me that as long as those years were, THIS IMPORTANT moment NOW had arrived …. to see if I’d taken care of the ‘moments’.

if you take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves’  Maria Edgeworth

I sensed into my body, into the soulful place that knows the truth. “HAD I?”

With a deep feeling of humilty and a huge wave of relief I can say that I DID. I DID. I DID .I DID.

Not always. No way. But I did. I was conscious of it.  I went all out to make sure I did. This counted.

I KNEW what to do for myself and with him. I was working in the area of parenting, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. I learnt everything I could from ancient wisdom as well as the mainstream research. I implemented this stuff. FOR HIM. FOR ME TOO (knowing that the work on myself would create the most powerful changes).

I made mistakes. I  said the wrong thing many times. AND I went back and repaired what I could. I did my best. I followed his passions and conditioned myself to make space for him to be himself at his core.

As a mama, I was good enough.



Take this ONE SHOT. This one OPPORTUNITY.


giving your child permission,

showing him the way to express his heart

to follow his passion

and his TRUTH

and give it his ALL




You don’t need to have done years of training like I have. You just need to stop and ask yourself, “Am I taking care of the moments?”. “Am I taking care of myself?” “Am I finding ways to love my life more?”.  “Am I getting the help that I need”?.  “Am I consciously connecting with my child, AND myself”?

If you’re not, its not too late. Start now. If you’re not sure and want to know more of the HOW, stay alert to the wisdom that is everywhere (including within yourself). AND stay with me on my blog as I give you more juicy stuff.

And if you ARE, give yourself the biggest mama hug ever. You’ve seized the moment. GO YOU!

Much love,

Mama Maria xoxo

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