
3 Steps to Dealing with FEARS in 8 Minutes

3 Steps to Dealing with FEARS in 8 Minutes

Last week, I did an FB LIVE on how I deal with fears in a way that is both intuitive and transformational (if used as a practice over time).

Today, I’ve cut that video down to just over 8 minutes!  I want you to be able to take a quick break in your day to start practicing this 3 step process.

It’s such a challenge to be our best, more creative and loving selves when we’re living amongst the swirling fears of this ever-changing modern times.

NOW MORE THAN EVER WE NEED THESE TOOLS.  Come back and watch this video when you can grab a cuppa and sit for 8 to 10 minutes.


Once you’ve had a chance to watch the video, leave a comment on the blog and tell me this:

  1. What fears are you currently facing?  And what things are YOU doing to deal with it?
  2. What’s your biggest insight or ah-ha from this 3-step process?

As always, I LOVE hearing comments.  I read every. single. one. and are soooo delighted to be holding hands through these touch times together with mothers like YOU.

So go ahead, watch the video and let’s start a conversation in the comments!

PS. Got other mama friends who are dealing with fears too?  Maybe they haven’t heard of the intuitive motherhood ways?  Forward to them.  It’s such an important help for all mamas.  They’ll thank you. 🙂

PPS. If you haven’t yet joined the FREE Intuitive Mamas FB group, go HERE.  It’s the place to get connected with other mothers just like you. 🙂

With so much gratitude,

Mama Maria xoxo

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