
Personal Update + what’s in store for our gorgeous 2017 New Year!
Intuitively, New Year doesn’t always land for me on Jan 1st. For me, it tends to feel like it’s here anytime between then and the Chinese New year (which happens to be Jan 28th this year).
Right now, I’m emerging from an energy of deep rest and reflection. My Ayurvedic doctor reinforced my belief to “make sure you honour your achievements and celebrate how far you’ve come, Maria”.
So I have.
I’ve reflected and reminisced the journey of 2016. In some ways, I‘ve achieved a lot, and in other ways I’ve gone a few steps backward (which I know leads me forward in the long run ha ha! Sometimes a few steps back means I’m catapulted forward at lightning speed when the time is right. I just have to wait and trust and be alert). For me, this intuitive embodied journey has a lot of ‘slow pace’ to it. If I really want to connect and deeply ‘know’ myself, my family, my business and my close friends, then I need to allow time for the dance of two.
I’d have it no other way. The levels of personal power I sense with my business, and the ecstasy and truth I get to in relationship not only with others but also with myself …is what I live for.
With all the tumultuousness of the last few years, everything became possible to deal with because I continually did the practices to feel ‘at home’ in my body, heart and mind.
Practices of meditation, pleasured-based movement (Nia!), Intention–setting and visualization, Nature immersions, food as medicine, sleep hygiene, conscious sexuality, emotional vibrancy and embodied gratitude.
Over the last few years, I’ve carved out a whole new way to eat, to sleep, to make love, to ‘show up’ with my own voice and a fearlessness to life in a way I’d never done before.
I’ve also learnt that surrendering to following an intuitive path can mean a change of plans very suddenly… and that the achievement is in the experience not the end result. Ahhhh!
Lessons. Lessons. Lessons. A male friend of mine said recently,
“If you lose, make sure you don’t lose the lesson”.
And WOAH! There have been so many lessons, so many twists and turns – it seems that almost every area of my life was given a shakeup so I could make choices of what’s real, true and most meaningful to me when ‘living on the edge’.
And with the deepest of gratitude, I want to thank life itself for allowing me to ‘be here in this body at this time in history’.
Since the 2014 kidney cancer experience, I have said YES to life over and over again. I’ve wanted to be here. To be with my boys and support their unfolding. To actualize what I consider my sacred calling: Intuitive Motherhood, and to collaboratively impact as many children in the world as possible through empowering and supporting their mothers.
I desire to be in communion with the collective of women leaders (and men) who are deciding that together we can change the world.
For me, I believe that we can start in the home, in what we say and do and how we BE with our kids. I believe we can change the world one mother and child at a time.
The ripple impact this has can and will reach so far and wide that it will have the impact of a tsunami.
We are the change we’ve been waiting. It’s you and me, and the choices we make every day.
I’m excited about YOU. I’m excited about ME. I’m excited about what’s unfolding for the business of INTUITIVE MOTHERHOOD for 2017.
Here’s what you can expect from the team and I:
- Free Mama How-Tos – step by step ways to parent and up-level yourself (video blogs)
- The Intuitive Motherhood Program over 8 weeks – our signature program changing lives. Get on the waitlist at
- Regular FB LIVE tips in the Intuitive Mamas FB group – make sure you’re in it. Go to
- NEW collaborative program to get you even more organized and activated in your gorgeous potential (as compliment to the Intuitive Motherhood Program)
- Gorgeous gifts from me to you!
- Affiliate / Partner Program for mama leaders and business owners who are aligned with the ethos of Intuitive Motherhood Program.
It’s going to be an amazing year. I can already feel it in my bones.
It’s not to be rushed. It’s about taking regular deep breaths, letting go of what’s not important, and reconnecting with what’s real, true and meaningful for YOU in each moment.
May you feel held, inspired and deeply loved.
In kindness,
So excited for all that is to come Maria 🙂