
INSTANTLY turn a stressed Christmas into EASE. How to bring the magic back
You want to get off the ‘expectations’ Christmas highway and get onto the peaceful earthy track that has your eyes glowing with joy. Yes?
You want REAL joy. Not the commercial ‘coke adds life’ joy.
You want your heart warmed by the contentment of knowing that you are enough, that your family are enough, that you have enough, do enough, ARE enough this Christmas.
You want to relinquish the pressure to have to look good, buy the right presents, make the right food, say the right things, be the one who gives the most…
Within the mess, the stress, the busyness of Christmas you want to feel deeply fulfilled. You want your family to feel connected, for YOU to feel relaxed, and for this season to feel special…
First up I LOVE how you desire these things. It shows just how authentic you are. Having an intention and alignment with what’s real, true and meaningful is a POWERFUL place to start.
It means you’re already halfway there beautiful. You’re already rockin’ it!
Next up, we need to get you into a state of ABUNDANT embodiment. This will ensure you are ‘seeing’ the many possibilities around you, feeling in a state that’s more loving than fearful, and effortlessly co-creating more of those ‘magic moments’ that feel like Christmas.
Enticing & exciting? GOSH Yes!
These ‘magic moments’ are the ones that happen spontaneously when you have this ABUNDANT presence along with being in a state of expectant anticipation… watching, wanting, noticing, BEing…
The secret to cultivating this state is simple and powerful and starts with having different approach to YOURSELF first (I’ll show you how soon)
Then it has a ‘spillover’ effect on your kids, your partner, and the whole extended family.
No matter what others say or do you won’t feel so reactive. People’s comments and family triggers won’t bother you so much.
Christmas really CAN be magical. With these simple approaches, you can have POWERFUL PRESENCE a hundredfold.
It starts with your BEINGness (as opposed to all your doingness).
So how do you DO this BEINGNESS, you ask? Begin with these approaches:
- Decide that your Christmas is going to be more about PRESENCE than PRESENTS. Decide you’re not going to be stressed about buying the ‘right thing’. Instead, you’re going to make simple choices and place your focus on the WORDS YOU WRITE IN THE CARD, THE EXTRA WARM HUG, THE KINDER EYE CONTACT. You’re going to bring your ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE to your interactions with EVERY PERSON in the family and extended family. YOU’RE TRULY GOING TO LISTEN, AND BE KINDER THAN YOU’VE EVER BEEN.
- BUT WAIT. You’re going to WRITE YOUR OWN CARD FIRST. Yes, the words of devotion of how much you love and appreciate the little girl within YOU … tell her all the things she needs to hear. Tell her you’re going to be there for her, to help her feel safe and loved, and that she is more than enough exactly as she is. Give her a voice to list her desires… her Christmas wish. .Let her put pen to paper of what she truly deeply yearns for… focus on the meaningful stuff. Pretend she is your own daughter and really pour the love and attention towards her! Then take ACTION… create a plan so she receives a gift for herself this Christmas… from YOU.
- NOW LET HER (YOUR INNER CHILD) HAVE CHRISTMAS TOO. Let her have some time ‘off the hook’ (when she doesn’t have to be the responsible serious adult). Let her have fun, wear the clothes SHE wants to wear. BE PLAYFUL. Allow silliness. LET HER RECEIVE FROM OTHERS. Yes, children allow themselves to be ‘given’ to and ask for help when they need it. They can stuff up, express themselves, and then quickly return to the pleasures of life. GIVE YOURSELF THIS PERMISSION.
- MAKE IT A PRIORITY TO CATCH THE MAGIC MOMENTS WITH YOUR CHILD. Decide that you are going to be really present. When your child gets excited, let yourself reach the same heights of joy… really GO there. Stay with all their feelings without judgement. Be extra interested in their experience of the present- opening, the family gatherings. Check in regularly, making them a priority. Really listen and help them feel your ‘presence’ of love and delight. Communicate that you want them to have the best day possible. (not only will this be delicious for your child and your relationship with them, it will also minimize tantrums and meltdowns).
- Make sure you tie a ribbon on the experience by having a FAMILY CHAT AFTERWARDS. Maybe that evening or the next day ask them to talk together about what happened. Bring it all back and enjoy it all over again! This gives it meaning, keeps the pleasures lingering, helps clarify any misunderstandings, and cultivates connection magic in your relationship.
From my heart to yours …. have a magical Christmas.
Thanks so much for being part of the Intuitive Motherhood Tribe in 2016.
I am so grateful that you allow me to be part of your world.
With love,