1:1 phone or zoom (its like Skype!) with me

Got parenting or personal mama questions that need answering? Need someone who has the professional experience to see the big picture? I will be your elder who will deeply listen and know how to move you forward in the right direction.

My broad experience is the perfect blend of science and love to help with your situation.



My approach

My work is all based on a heart-centred fusion:

Brain science…

That is, the ins and outs of what’s really going on in your brain and your child’s brain. This is the science behind how to manage big feelings, when to speak, what to say, what to do, when to teach, and how to model behaviour. It’s all backed by evidence-based research and it’s all highly effective for transforming your experience of motherhood.

… With SOUL

This is the sacred side of our work together. I’ll be holding space for you to connect with yourself + develop your own intuitive power. We can explore feelings, body work, chakras, spirituality, symbology, emotion-based work, mindfulness & meditation, energy practices – whatever calls to you and feels true to your essential self. All of this work is grounded in authenticity and it’s all steeped in love.

We’ll also be focusing on my signature MAMA TRANSFORMATION embodiment technique, which draws from the latest neuroscience and helps rewire your brain to ‘be the mother you really want to be’. This practice is literally a key to transformation, and when it becomes your habit it can clear old patterning that may be holding you back.

The intention behind all our work together? A truly fulfilled mother (who feels sexy, spiritual and vibrantly alive!) and an authentically happy child who has ‘the edge’ in life!

And this work truly does empower BOTH of you.

When we address what’s happening for you FIRST, things will automatically begin shifting for your child.

Then, once we’ve laid that groundwork, we’ll start bringing in practices to help with the difficulties you’re having with your little one (or big one!). Together, we’ll develop a power-plan to help you get the results you want for your child.

This work is so powerful.

Mothers often come to me for a specific ‘child behaviour’ problem, and end up leaving with SO MUCH MORE than they ever imagined. You’ll be learning practical skills and strategies, you’ll discover how to have your child what they really need, and you’ll know how to develop an authentically rich relationship with them – from now, right through their teenage years, and into adulthood.

Because this is intuitive work, no two sessions are the same.

I draw from a whole toolkit of resources, experience and trainings, including body-centred psychotherapy, The Journey, Expressive Therapies, The Nia Technique (science for embodied joy, pleasure & vitality), University studies in mental health and parenting, Meditation & Chakra work, Neuroscience & Mindfulness, and Reiki & Energy Medicine.

During our sessions, we’ll be using the tools and techniques that feel right for you. We might go deep into the sensations of your body or chakras and see what wants to express itself. We might dive into some releasing work, or hone in on an emotion that’s repeatedly showing up, or carve out a new level of conscious awareness.

Or we might talk about brain states and how to set boundaries whilst being deeply connected to your child, how to integrate your needs with your child’s need. You might want to explore a tricky situation that you’re dealing with. From my years of body-centred practices and working in mental health it seems there is nothing that I haven’t seen or heard before. All is welcome to explore. There is no judgement with me.

The essence of my work is about YOU – holding space and bringing awareness to what’s going on for you and your feelings. The shifts and transformation will start inside you – sparking insight, joy and release – then they’ll spill over into your child, your relationship, everything…

Basically, my goal is to help you become the mama you want to be, and live the life that you’ve dreamed of.

This is for you if…

+ You’ve been feeling overwhelmed. You experience guilt, shame, anger, and worry when it comes to parenting and you’re ready to step up and choose a different path.

+ You’re craving a deeper connection with yourself and your child. You want to feel aligned and congruent – like your insides match your outsides.

+ You believe in the sacredness of motherhood (even though sometimes you struggle to feel it!). You want to bring more of that feeling into your life – the earth mother, the divine feminine, the peaceful warrior, the sacred soul.

+ You want your children to grow up with a conscious mindset. You want to awaken their creativity, embrace their uniqueness and equip them with the skills they need to succeed in life.

+ You’re longing for support. To know that you’re not alone. To know that you’re not crazy or messed up or doing the wrong thing by your child.

+ You’re ready to explore a new way of doing things. You want practical strategies that can help you create tangible change. You’re ready to dive deep.

This is not for you if…

+ You’re really struggling with clinical anxiety and depression or another mental illness. If that sounds like you, you’ll need to get other personal support until your condition is stable enough to work with me. For your own health and wellbeing, it’s important that you address this critical issue first, before delving into an exploration of motherhood.

+ You might like to see your GP to have an assessment and get a referral to a psychotherapist or counsellor who can help with your condition. Sometimes medication is necessary to help get your brain chemistry balanced again. Natural medicines, body treatments and exercise can also be really effective and help a lot. Check out this website for more info:


1:1 phone or zoom (its like Skype!) with me

Got parenting or personal mama questions that need answering? Need someone who has the professional experience to see the big picture? I will be your elder who will deeply listen and know how to move you forward in the right direction.

My broad experience is the perfect blend of science and love to help with your situation.




1:1 phone or zoom (it’s like Skype!) with me

Need a bit of hand holding mama? Maybe you feel overwhelmed, or you might have a specific issue like child behaviour, sleep or anxiety. I help you get to the bottom of it and co-create a plan to get clarity and confidence.

We start with a 90-minute session, followed up with a 30-minute session to map the results. I hold you in my mind and heart to allow any further wisdom to percolate in-between sessions. I’ve totally got you.




This exclusive, high-touch mentoring package is delivered over three months. It’s designed for you to go gorgeously deep and rise powerfully strong as the mother and woman you know you are at your core.

It includes twelve sessions in total, held weekly. I allocate an hour and a half for your first session and for three more deeper sessions when it feels like the right time for us.  The other sessions usually go for close to an hour and are conducted by phone (Australia only) or Zoom (I’ll send you the link!). This timeframe really gives us the opportunity to delve deep and create tangible, life-changing shifts.

As well as having access to all the Intuitive Motherhood tips, tools, and techniques, you can phone me for an additional three 15 minutes ‘help me’ conversations during our three months together.

As a bonus, I’ll also be giving you info sheets and mp3’s to help you sink into and embody these priceless teachings.

There are very limited places for those wishing to reap the benefits from this three-month exclusive mentoring package. Those who have participated have described it as a complete game-changer with life-changing results.

Hear what Lena Heale, mother of 3 children from Brisbane, Australia, has to say about her mentoring experience.

By application only. Click the link below to fill in the questionnaire and we’ll book a complimentary 30-minute discovery call together.

In this discovery session, we’ll get to know each other, you can ask any burning questions you’ve got about the exclusive mentoring package and my approach, and I’ll explain further how the sessions work. If we are right for each other, I’ll send you through a mentoring agreement form, and we’ll start scheduling our sessions and kick off our journey.


Want to hear what other mothers have to say about working with me?

testimonials-helenJ “As a psychic and intuitive teacher, I understand the role of intuition in motherhood. So when I intuitively felt something wasn’t working with my toddler’s sleep, I called on Maria. What I received in return was a deeper understanding of my relationship with my child, how to relate and interact with her better and embrace each other’s company more… and I learnt that the sleep issue was just a symptom of something much greater, waiting to be explored. I wanted to solve her sleep problems, but walked away with a much deeper insight into my daughter. While our relationship quickly benefited, I know the results are long lasting. Maria created a warm, inviting, safe space for me to explore my relationship with my child. She has such a gift – and I recommend anyone to experience it for themselves.”

Helen Jacobs, ‘The Little Sage’, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA

“Working with Maria has been transformational. Maria is the perfect blend of science and soulful wisdom. She has a gift for approaching topics sensitively and helping you to gently realise and unearth solutions to your dilemmas, in an authentic and aligned way, without ever imposing her beliefs or ideas. Since working with Maria I’ve learnt to embrace motherhood as the gift that is and use it as an opportunity for personal growth- it really is the perfect chance to crack open and re-define yourself. Working with Maria has been a blessing.”

Dr Kristy Goodwin, Speaker / Consultant / Author of Raising Your Child In A Digital World

testimonials-angeliza “Working with Maria has been a life-changer. There’s a whole new tone to our family. I feel better and more confident as a Mother. Plus I’ve begun to heal my relationship with my own mother. My partner Josh has noticed a big difference and is so glad we invested the money.

To all you other Mums out there… if you’re thinking of working with Maria then DO IT. THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE OF YOU MARIA.”

Angeliza Wanstall, Queensland, AUSTRALIA / Managing Director at A Chemical Free Romance

“Everyone needs a Mama Maria in their life. Her wisdom is profound. Her unique blend of soul and science was the key to helping me trust ME as a woman and a mother seeking more joy and stripping back the mother guilt layer after layer. Her work was like cracking a code deep inside. It opened me up to a whole new way of living and loving.”

Nicole Rowan-Holt, Transformational Biz Coach, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

testimonials-jackie Maria’s wisdom and her teachings have been so powerful for me as a mother and as a woman. She helped me strip down the myths of parenting and led me out of my head and into my heart and guided me to trust my own intuitive wisdom.   My entire outlook on parenting has changed to be more heart centred and connected and has helped me to create deeper relationships with my children. We are a happier family now and I feel the natural joy of motherhood more than ever before.”

Jackie Heath

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. My children aren’t little anymore – they’re teenagers. Is motherhood mentoring right for me?

The short answer? Yes! Your motherhood journey is always growing and evolving, no matter

how old your children are. Mothers of teenagers, twenty-somethings, and even older, are still faced with challenges that they need support and advice on. The other good news is that it’s never too late to start transforming the way you relate to your child, and the way that they relate to you. The wisdom in these mentoring sessions is truly invaluable, no matter what stage of motherhood you’re at.

Q. I’m pregnant, and really want to prepare myself for the journey ahead. Is mentoring with you now worthwhile?

Absolutely. I have been humbled and honoured to work with many pregnant women who are keen to lay the groundwork for conscious, intuitive parenting. Getting started on this work before you’ve even had your baby is a beautiful way to embed these principles in your mind, and ensure that you begin your motherhood journey in the most empowered, aligned way.

Q. I’ve already attended one of your workshops. Are your mentoring sessions right for me?

Yes. Because this mentoring  is responsive and intuitive, we’ll immediately be able to hone in on where you’re at and continue from there. Think of these sessions as taking you deeper and further along the journey of conscious motherhood – we’ll build on the skills you’ve already learnt, delve deeper into the areas you want to focus on, and venture into a whole lot of new territory altogether.

Q. I’m exploring other types of medicine, self-improvement and healing modalities. Can I still mentor with you?

My coaching style is almost always complementary to other services and treatments, whether they’re traditional ‘Western medicine’ styles of work or alternative holistic therapies. If you have any specific concerns, we can discuss these in detail during our 30-minute complimentary discovery chat.

Are you ready to connect with your truth, align with your intuition,

and be the conscious, empowered mama you were born to be?

APPLY NOW to book your complimentary 30-minute chat.


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